The Wooden Therapy Belt provides a bioenergetic stimulation therapy. It is great for boosting circulation, releasing stress and reducing localized adiposity by breaking fat cells. Suggested for waist area, back, abdomen and leg.
In order to solve the inconvenience of self-massage in the neck, shoulder, back and waist, massage rope offers strategically placed therapy rollers that allow you an ease and access to every pressure point in your entire body. Effortlessly locate and relieve spasms, muscle knots and trigger points, Increases blood flow and circulation. Helping your full body parts to release stress
- No need to go to the massage salon when you have this Wooden Massager Roller to massage yourself on the back, legs, neck, and more
- Position the roller on your back and hold the handles from the front; pull the handles from side to side to get the rollers rolling
- The rollers are made of natural wood and they are connected together by a cotton string inside a plastic rope for durability
- Material: Wood, Plastic rope
- Size: 95cm
Can be used to treat cellulite by professionals, in a series of treatments